
Simple electric logo
Simple text logo
Bold, tech related logo
logo, bold, line, letter, m
Simple logo for ketogenic diet
Simple, minimalistic logo for software company
Elegant, simple,classy logo for an caramel layered sweet/cake.
Simple logo concept for Digital Marketing Agency


Web & Graphic developer living and working in Novi Sad!

Member since: February 21, 2012
Brand guide
Top Level




"Fantastic job with my YouTube banner designs!"
Profile pictureKetoKamp reviewed 6 months ago
"Fantastic work with my podcast cover design. Thank you!!"
Profile pictureKetoKamp reviewed 6 months ago
"Thank you for the kind words. It is always a pleasure working together!"
Profile pictureOLSSEN responded 6 months ago
"Amazing graphic designer. Thank you for the AWESOME media kit. "
Profile pictureKetoKamp reviewed almost 3 years ago
"Thank you, Ben, it's always a huge pleasure!"
Profile pictureOLSSEN responded almost 3 years ago
"Incredible work with my media kit. Top notch creator. "
Profile pictureKetoKamp reviewed over 3 years ago
"Designer did a fantastic job with my media kit. Thank you!"
Profile pictureKetoKamp reviewed over 3 years ago