Title and author
Consistently Compassionate
Cali Mayne
Photo of the author
Author biography
26-year-old female who has overcome emotional eating through self-discovery, education and being compassionate towards herself. She enjoys walking and nature.
Book description
A book for adults wanting to create a sustainable lifestyle change through nutrition, movement and mindfulness.
Target audience
Young adults who do not feel inherently worthy in their bodies and want to create a sustainable lifestyle change but feel stuck in a cycle of not being able to.
Physical book details
Book cover type
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
Front cover details
Consistently Compassionate: Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle Change
By Cali Mayne
Back cover
- Blurb
- Publisher’s details
- Price
- Barcode/ISBN
Back cover details
After completing my Personal Training Certification, I realized most of the content is made for healthy adults, but with the rising population of obese individuals who lack necessary education and guidance, there seems to be a large gap of people who are not receiving assistance. This is who I am attempting to reach with this book.
McDonald’s and changed locks. There isn’t much I remember about my childhood, but one of the memories that screams in the back of my mind is the day that one of my parents changed the lock on the front door. I’m sure I remember that day so well because I used it as an excuse to fuel my addiction to fast food. From a young age I idolized fast food; it was my way of escaping reality. The joy that chicken nuggets brought me, exasperated all feelings of doubt and low self-worth. When I was presented with a greasy bag of food as a plea to unlock the door, I did what I thought was best for me. Naturally, I took the food and went to my room to enjoy my guilty pleasure in peace, without a second glance at the door behind me.
From that moment on, I was hooked. Consuming foods high in salt, fat and sugar that made me feel happy by releasing dopamine (a chemical that makes you feel good) in the brain, was my way of coping. This is my story from how I went from feeling hopelessly trapped in that never-ending cycle to having the freedom to make the best choice of what I put in my body. Thank you for joining me.
Publisher's details, ISBN and price will be provided later.
- Title
- Author’s name
Spine details
Consistently Compassionate
Cali Mayne
Book publisher
Don’t know yet
Ebook details
First page
- Title
- Author’s name
First ebook page details
Consistently Compassionate: Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle Change
By Cali Mayne
Last page
- Blurb
Last ebook page details
After completing my Personal Training Certification, I realized that most of the content is made for healthy adults, but with the rising population of obese individuals who lack necessary education and guidance, there seems to be a large gap of people who are not receiving assistance. This is who I am attempting to reach with this book.
McDonald’s and changed locks. There isn’t much I remember about my childhood, but one of the memories that screams in the back of my mind is the day that one of my parents changed the lock on the front door. I’m sure I remember that day so well because I used it as an excuse to fuel my addiction to fast food. From a young age I idolized fast food; it was my way of escaping reality. The joy that chicken nuggets brought me, exasperated all feelings of doubt and low self-worth. When I was presented with a greasy bag of food as a plea to unlock the door, I did what I thought was best for me. Naturally, I took the food and went to my room to enjoy my guilty pleasure in peace, without a second glance at the door behind me.
From that moment on, I was hooked. Consuming foods high in salt, fat and sugar that made me feel happy by releasing dopamine (a chemical that makes you feel good) in the brain, was my way of coping. This is my story from how I went from feeling hopelessly trapped in that never-ending cycle to having the freedom to make the best choice of what I put in my body. Thank you for joining me.
Ebook publisher
Don’t know yet
Visual style
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
Vision of blue, teal, aqua sky with clouds, playful, light
What to avoid
Stock images
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Contest deliverables
1 x Physical book cover
Winner of this contest
1 x Ebook cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.