Title and author
The Embedded Entrepreneur
Arvid Kahl
Photo of the author
Author biography
Arvid Kahl is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and writer. He co-founded and bootstrapped FeedbackPanda, an online teacher productivity SaaS company, with his partner Danielle Simpson. They sold the business for a life-changing amount of money in 2019, two years after founding the company.
He writes on TheBootstrappedFounder.com to share his experience with bootstrapping as a desirable, value- and wealth-generating way of running a company.
In the years of running FeedbackPanda (and throughout the many failed attempts before that), Arvid learned how to run a self-funded company. He learned that not every business needs venture capital to succeed, and Arvid claims that most businesses are better off without it.
He wants to encourage other entrepreneurs to see bootstrapping as a viable option.
Book description
This is not an idea book. This is a book for people who need actionable advice.
Instead of trying to convince you to build an audience, let me share the stories of those who have done it well and then equip you with the tools and strategies to build an audience-driven business.
You will learn how to discover your future audience, how to embed yourself in your audience's communities, how to extract business opportunities through observation, and how to build a following that will grow your personal and professional brand.
Target audience
I have a global readership, mostly US-American, British, Indian, Canadian, and European. Age somewhere between 18 and 36, mostly male, but not exclusively. Somewhat tech-savvy, and definitely interested in building a (digital) business and reaching financial independence.
Physical book details
Book cover type
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
Front cover details
Title: The Embedded Entrepreneur
Subtitle: How to Build an Audience-Driven Business
Author's Name: Arvid Kahl
This will be published through Amazon KDP. The cover should be very interesting even at thumbnail size.
Back cover
- Blurb
- Barcode/ISBN
- Author biography
- Testimonial
Back cover details
You can use placeholder text for the text on the back. The book is currently in a lengthy review process, and I will get testimonials and insights at a later point.
- Title
- Author’s name
Spine details
I would like the spine of the book to be very high-contrast and very readable.
Book publisher
Kindle Direct Publishing
Visual style
Design inspiration
Colors to explore
Other color requirements
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
Let me explain to you what an Embedded Entrepreneur is.
Instead of "coming up with a great idea" in isolation, Embedded Entrepreneurs start with "who:" they find an audience they want to help, for example "graphic designers." They then join their communities, like Dribble, Behance, and all the Facebook designer communities they can find. They then learn more about the day-to-day problems that designers have, and understand which problems are critical. Then, and only then, do they come up with a business idea. They build that business in public, right there in the community, asking for feedback, beta users, and making sure they build the right thing for the right people.
That's what it means to be "embedded". It has nothing to do with Embedded Circuits, consider it more like a "Safari" inside that community, an observation from within.
I want imagery and typography that evokes this feeling of embedding yourself in a community to learn how you can help, and from there building a business that solves real problems.
My latest book is https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Arvid-Ka…3982195705 — but I don't need a second cover like this. While I do like the sans-serif font, you have complete license over imagery, fonts, and color.
You can learn more about the book at https://embeddedentrepreneur.com/ — please ignore the cover that's on that page, it's a placeholder and should not affect your work here.
What to avoid
It's a serious thing to build a business. I don't want the cover to be too playful.
Stock images
Client allowed the use of stock for this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please declare stock when you submit designs so that clients can pay for licenses.
Contest deliverables
Physical book cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.