Signature logos

    Signature logo with the title 'Greater God'

    Show off your brand’s personality with a custom signature logo designed just for you by a professional designer. Need ideas? We’ve collected some amazing examples of signature logos from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect signature logo design today.

    Want your own signature logo?

    Try our Logomaker today. It's fast, free and oh-so-easy.

    Signature logo with the title 'Hand drawn font logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Consulting'
    Signature logo with the title 'Create an endearing, memorable & fun logo for personal blog.'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo should represent the concept'
    Signature logo with the title 'signature style for travel photographer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Dandelion logo for photographer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Custom-made Signature for photographer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Whimsical logo for realtor'
    Signature logo with the title 'Modern type Logo design'
    Signature logo with the title 'Be the designer behind the next Oprah of skin care!'
    Signature logo with the title 'boutique photographer need a distinctive logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Newborn and Family Photographer Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature logo design - Personal Monogram for Plastic Surgeon'
    Signature logo with the title 'professional photographer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Stacy Havener'
    Signature logo with the title 'Spooky Glam design for a unique author'
    Signature logo with the title 'T - Email Template'
    Signature logo with the title 'Whimsical logo for photographer '
    Signature logo with the title 'Unique signature logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'wedding photographer signature logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Original signature style logo for homewares and clothing online store'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for TrustedCopy'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo design for the author Heather Marie Wilson'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature Logo for Artur Rybarz - Freier Redner'
    Signature logo with the title 'Hand drawn signature logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Cichy Co.'
    Signature logo with the title 'Elegant word mark logo design for a jewelry brand modernizing traditional Jade jewelry'
    Signature logo with the title 'Wordmark logo design for Marketing & Advertising company'
    Signature logo with the title 'Music Signature'
    Signature logo with the title 'Monogram signature style Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Hand drawn signature'
    Signature logo with the title 'Initials Photography Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Photographer logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Liberty logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Unique Lettering Logo for Muscle Monkey.'
    Signature logo with the title 'EIJO'
    Signature logo with the title 'An elegant and handwritten initials based logo design for a coaching business helping professional women'
    Signature logo with the title 'Organic handwritten monogram for a cannabis retail brand'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for Marta Pe'
    Signature logo with the title 'Custom Hand Lettering Logo Concept'
    Signature logo with the title 'Bold logo concept for salon'
    Signature logo with the title '"Sasikaran" Photo and Video Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Benjamin Thorn Photography'
    Signature logo with the title 'Sabrina Larcher Photography Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Naturally Thriving'
    Signature logo with the title 'Joust & Go Logo (proposal)'
    Signature logo with the title 'Mr Beard, the most classy man in the world! Barbershop'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo design for a couple of the two photographers'
    Signature logo with the title 'Hand lettering concept for Hemp company'
    Signature logo with the title 'Help Signature Series Beer Kits with a new logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Ruby Coco logo design'
    Signature logo with the title 'Nitty Gritty handlettered logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for Marie-Jose'
    Signature logo with the title 'Corichi Clothing Logo Design'
    Signature logo with the title 'Butique'
    Signature logo with the title 'Island fantasy style design for an artist'
    Signature logo with the title 'Dental logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo design for beckyreescreative'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature Wordmark for Automotive Media Company'
    Signature logo with the title 'LuAnnweb logo '
    Signature logo with the title 'Photography logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo Concept for Zai Ali T'
    Signature logo with the title 'fashion logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Photography logo - "watermark"'
    Signature logo with the title 'Design a soft, clean and simplistic "houseless" Real Estate logo.'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for "aj collection'''
    Signature logo with the title 'Ellen Kivistö'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo Design for Coaching'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature Concept for Travis.G'
    Signature logo with the title 'Wedding-Videographer/Photographer Logo '
    Signature logo with the title 'Wedding logo service'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for home organization '
    Signature logo with the title 'Katie Jane'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for life coach'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for Freelance Digital Consultant'
    Signature logo with the title 'Photography Logo for Duo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Hand-written Monogram Logo Design for photographer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for Beauty and Wellnes '
    Signature logo with the title 'Glacier'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signables'
    Signature logo with the title 'logotype'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for Amithap Ratha'
    Signature logo with the title 'Logo for hairstylist '
    Signature logo with the title 'Eva Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature'
    Signature logo with the title 'Hand lettered logo for a permanent makeup studio'
    Signature logo with the title 'Family documentary photographer needs outstanding logo :)'
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature logo design'
    Signature logo with the title 'A Modern Handwritter Style Logo For Nexion '
    Signature logo with the title 'Signature Design'
    Signature logo with the title 'John Coleman'
    Signature logo with the title 'Musician Logo'
    Signature logo with the title 'Winning design for art producer'
    Signature logo with the title 'Artisan Photographic'
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    pieman by E-T
    by E-T

    What makes a good signature logo?

    A great logo shows the world what you stand for, makes people remember your brand, and helps potential customers understand if your product is right for them. Logos communicate all of that through color, shape and other design elements. Learn how to make your signature logo tell your brand’s story.

    Signature logo with the title 'Chris Semple Photography'
    Signature logo with the title 'Darring signature logo for fashion company.'
    Types of logos

    There are 7 different types of logos. They’re all a combination of image and typography, but each gives your brand a distinct feel... Keep reading

    Logo colors

    Choosing the right logo colors can highlight your business’ strengths and help you attract the right customers... Keep reading

    Logo shapes

    The shape of your logo can tell customers if your company is friendly or serious, scientific or artistic, traditional or cutting edge... Keep reading

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